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Our Wraparound Care programs provide a safe and nurturing environment for children to start and end their school day. The Breakfast Club offers a nutritious breakfast and engaging activities to kick-start the day, while the After School Wraparound Care timetable is filled with a range of actives that can be seen below to wind down after a busy day at school. Both programs are staffed by qualified professionals who are dedicated to ensuring the wellbeing and development of each child in their care. With flexible options to suit the needs of busy parents, Our Breakfast Club and Wraparound Care programs are the perfect solution for families looking for reliable and high-quality childcare.

Breakfast Club &
Wraparound Care
Delivered By Ofsted Approved Professionals
A Range Of Activities For Child From Reception - Year 6
Unbeatable Hourly Price Of £5.00
Safe & Nurturing Environment

Our Visual Timetable, offers children the opportunity each day to create their own timetable, choosing three key activities for each hour. This fantastic new feature not only promotes variety but also enhances their experience, allowing them a choice on what activities they would like to engage in.

How To Book Via Childcare VouchersWhen making a booking, type the code “childcare” into the coupon code box. Once booking has been made visit your childcare company to make payment and reference the child’s name. Visit our voucher page to find your code. Childcare vouchers can be used at the following settings; - George Grenville Academy - 2666030 - Twyford Church Of England Primary School - 2666033
What should my child bring to Wraparound Care?We would strongly recommend your child brings a light healthy snack to wraparound care they will have this when they arrive, children should also come with there school bags and water bottle.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate in contacting us via email
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